Artists Jo Baker


Jo Baker

Born in London and training as a dancer, later becoming a dance teacher, Jo has always been drawn to the world of Arts

In 2017, whilst overcoming illness, Jo discovered new way to express her inner creativity and immersed herself in the creative world of art, refusing any boundaries. She studied and experimented with mixed media, creating her own methods and techniques. This freedom from reality enabled her access to a new dimension in which to grow and view life with a new perspective. Now grateful to be in good health and proud of her battle scars, she wishes to share her story with you.

Jo cherishes memories of happy days spent at their family home by the sea and fishing with her father. And as a tribute to him, in 2021 she began to paint fish. But as a singular 'feisty fish' pushing against the current, began to immerge in each piece, Jo realised she was telling her own story.

Her combination of an ancient rarely used, reverse gilding technique 'verre eglomise' with her own experimental findings, produced an exciting and unique way to produce her reverse artwork on acrylic and glass.

Encouraged by the reception of her work, Jo took part in her first art show, where she was awarded Talented artist of the year 2022.

The singular feisty fish in each piece pushing against the current or daring to be different, has become her signature.

Jo feels her work has become a way to celebrate our inner strengths and self-determinationShe believes there's a feisty fish in all of us!

Jo Baker

Gallery Items

Be Free

Mixed Media


Break Free

Mixed Media


Free Spirit II

Mixed Media


Happy Days

Mixed Media


Just For Today

Mixed Media


Let The Good Times Roll

Mixed Media


Set Yourself Free

Mixed Media


Strong Enough

Mixed Media


Watch Me II

Mixed Media


What are you Waiting for

Mixed Media


Where Dreams Begin

Mixed Media


Against the Tide

Mixed Media



Mixed Media


Face Your Fears

Mixed Media



Mixed Media


Free Spirit

Mixed Media


I'm Here

Mixed Media



Mixed Media


Now or Never

Mixed Media


Southwold Gallery

Or visit us at 64a High Street, Southwold, Suffolk. IP18 6DN. Open daily 10am - 5pm (including Sundays and Bank Holidays)

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